Lavender Incense Stick
2 reviews
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Imagine the perfect scent for relaxation. A mix of lavender and other herbs, this incense will leave you feeling refreshed after just one stick! With 10 grams in each pack (8 sticks), there are many different options to choose from when banishing negative energy or waking up your senses; whether it's bracing herbal fragrances or powdery florals that suit what YOU need most at any given time--BANISH IN CONJUNCTION WITH YOUR MENTAL AIR FOR AN invigorating experience THAT REVOLTS SLEEPY MOODS AND HEALS BOTH Mind & Body classes.
Nancy Wasson Love the Lavender incense. The smell is incredible and lingers for a long time!!
Thank you!!
C Johnson This is a very high-quality incense for a very reasonable price. I like to burn a stick just before bed and let the soothing lavender scent ease me to tranquil sleep.